





Though this is the first year for Armour Heights, we, of the school, both scholars and teachers, I am sure, feel as though we have been of one group for a much longer period. The ease with which the scholars have come together and worked in the interests of the school and the friendly spirit apparent among the members of our staff have been outstanding features of our inception. We of the school are not alone in this. You of the surrounding community have, through the Home and School Association, and through your excellent co-operation, contributed greatly to this feeling.

The name, Armour, reminds us of the first schoolmaster of the early government school in this city and takes us back much further than September, nineteen fifty-three. However, the modern school and equipment, provided for our use, give us all the advantages of a new school though, at the same time, we like to cling to a traditional atmosphere.

To you, the scholars, who have supported our venture into journalism in your usual enthusiastic manner, may I express the hope that, as you attack the many problems great or small which the future holds in store for you, you may face them in the confident, patient, and thoughtful manner in which you helped your teachers organize a programme and build a foundation for education at Armour Heights. You are the school. We, of the staff, are but your guides providing you with opportunities in ideal surroundings.

W. L. McNeil


It is indeed a pleasure for me, on behalf of the Home and School Association, to express our appreciation of the efforts of those who in any way have contributed to the success of this your first school paper.

May I pass along our sincere thanks to the editor and his staff of able assistants, who have taken the initiative and responsibility of preparing this very commendable edition. I trust there will be many such publications and the experience gained in this your first attempt will undoubtedly improve future issues.

Keep your standards high at all times and the very best of luck to you all.




Editing Committee

Doug Townsend, Philip Lee, Carol Morrison, Peter Reynard, Adelene Dunnett

Classroom Representatives

Mr. McNeil - David Choate          Mrs. Hutchins - Billy Robb
Mr. Anderson - Jay Galvin          Miss Merrett - Katy Tobey
Miss Leggett - Grace Bell          Miss Leach - Gordon King
Miss Pidgeon - Shirley Illingworth Miss Barker - Karen Grills
Miss Spence - Rosalind MacQuarrie              - Patty Taylor


This year we are presenting you with the first edition of the "Armour Happs". You are probably wondering where we got the name for our paper." Armour" of course, is taken from the first name of our school, and "Happs comes from the first letters of the word


I wish to thank Mr. McNeil and the staff who have helped to make our paper possible. We have enjoyed publishing this paper, we hope we have your approval.

Douglas Townsend

SAMUEL ARMOUR by Carole Parnell, Grade 6

Mr. Armour was born in Ireland in 1785. He obtained his Master of Arts Degree at Glasgow University. He became a minister in Scotland and married Margaret Douglas. He came to Canada in 1820 and took up his work at York. In 1826 he was ordained by the bishop as a rector of the church of England. He came to Peterborough in 1826 and became headmaster of the government school in this city. He was the first rector of St. John's Church. Because of his ill health, he resigned as headmaster of the school in 1832. Later he became rector of St. John's Church in Cavan where he spent a number of years.

MY NEW SCHOOL by Robert Ainsworth, Grade 2

In the playroom I like to play Dodge Ball. I like the children too. In the mornings we hear stories which I like.

MY NEW COUNTRY by Winny Overvliet, Grade 4

When I came from Holland I first thought I didn't like Canada, but I soon found out that was not so. When I came to Peterborough I went to King George School. When I moved, I came to Armour Heights School. I'm still at it now. I like the beautiful tulips, and I think it is the best school in all of Peterborough.

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OUR SCHOOLROOM - by Marlene Montgomery, Grade 6

This year I think we have all spent a very nice year. We have had several students, some of the names are Mr. McFaden, Mr. Morrison, Miss Zufelt, Miss Stroud, Miss Parrington and Miss Lowes. We have enjoyed the students being with us. Another thing we have all enjoyed doing this year is going to Manual and Household Science. Our Manual Training Teacher is Mr. Munro and Mrs. Scott is the Household Science Teacher. The name of our teacher is Mr. McNeil, the Principal. There are so many things the children have enjoyed doing this year, that we just couldn't mention them all.

We had many interesting Red Cross meetings planned by our Executive.
President - Bruce Cullen, Vice-President - Clare Jensen, Secretary- Brenda
Elliott, Treasurer - David Choate and Programme Committee - Terry Bell, Susan Brook, and Carole Parnell

ACTIVITIES IN ROOM 2 REPORT by Grace Bell, Grade 4

A little while after we started to school, we won first prize in the basket collection. Shortly after that we won first prize for the most Home and School members present. Then twice more we won first prize for attendance of parents at the Home and School.

At Christmas Time our class put on a Nativity Play and it was appreciated very much. After New Year's we had Winny Overvliet from Holland come to be in our class. At Easter holidays when school was closing, Hilda Barne moved to United States. In the Easter Holidays Miss Leggett went to Bermuda We hope to see her coloured slides soon. We are sorry to see the end of the year coming.

ROOM 3 REPORT - by Jane Hawley

There are 32 pupils in our room. Our teacher is Miss Spence. These are some of the things we did:

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER by Linda Patterson:- We had a funny Hallowe'en party.
Everyone was dressed up and we played games. We went on a hike up to Armour Hill.

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER by Jerry Elliott:- One day we made a candle and put branches of evergreen trees around it, and gave it to our parents. Before Christmas we put on a play. The play was called the First Christmas. Miss Merrett's room came to see it. We had a big tree. and made a fireplace. Santa Claus stood beside it. He was bigger than Miss Spence.

JANUARY - FEBRUARY - by Harry Willis: We went to the City Hall. There we saw the jail and the box where the bad people had their trial. Twice we went skating and we had fun. We had fun in the snow. We made Valentine people and we had a party.

MARCH- APRIL by Lorraine Pammett: In March we made rabbits with fuzzy tails. We had a newspaper. And we made fairy flowers.

APRIL - MAY by Roderick Clarkson: In April Danny brought a canary bird, Flippy. He was yellow and black. We had chicks too, for a visit. One was called Fuzzy, the other Wuzzy. We made a Hot House. We called it the Happy Land Florist Shop.



In the fall we went on a science hike to get some flowers. We had a Hallowe'en party. At the party, David and Douglas were pirates and I was a gypsy girl. At Christmas time we had some dances for the parents. The names of the dances were the Clap Dance and the Sailor's Dance. We had a Christmas Party and a Christmas Tree. In the winter we had our pictures taken on a half igloo. We had a Valentine's party and we gave valentines to our friends. When it was St. Patrick's day we all wore green. We had a hanger collection and our room won fifty tents for collecting the most hangers. We got 1,075 hangers.


At the first of the year we had a story about Peter Pan. I liked the part about Captain Hook. He went splash into the water and that was the end of Captain Hook. Also we had a story about Heidi. I liked the part about when Peter was frightened because he sent the chair flying down the mountain. We also had a story about the Secret Garden. I liked the part where Mary found the key. We also had a story of Tom Sawyer. I enjoyed the part where they went out to grave-yard. In the morning we have a Bible Story. I like the stores of Jezebel.

ART IN GRADE III - 1953-54 by Sandra Bennett

This year we made some houses. In winter we made a winter scene. It was made with cloth. Then we drew designs. There were dots, plaids, strips and lines. Then we made Hallowe'en faces and wore them for Hallowe'en. We made an Easter Scene. The whole room made Easter bunnies and chickens. Then we made a spring scene. I made a girl skipping.

SOCIAL STUDIES IN GRADE THREE 1953-54 by Kaye Thornton

In the Fall, we learned about building houses. I liked the men painting the houses. We learned about Switzerland. There were glaciers. In spring we learned about Egypt. There are pyramids in Egypt. One day the class went out to see an oil truck. The oil was hot. We learned about a Japanese house. It is made of paper. We talked about Arabians, Eskimos, Indians and Swiss people. We talked about lighting long ago. When we were talking about Switzerland. we learned about William Tell. We learned about a Chinese house boat too.

S A F E T Y   P A T R O L


Our aim is to protect small children from getting killed. Already the number of accidents in the city is less since we started having patrols. Patrols try to be on duty at the right time and small children should not cross until the patrols are there. We have a safety court every Tuesday, at 10:30 to punish offenders. The Paramount Theatre gives a free show for all patrols once a month. The City is giving a free trip to Ottawa to the captain and the best patrol in each school. We are getting a picnic at the end of the year. by Barbara Tice, Grade 5.


MY TRIP TO OTTAWA - by Brenda Elliott, Grade 6

On Wednesday June 2nd, 32 Patrols went to Ottawa for a tour. We started for Ottawa at 7:00 in the morning by bus. We reached Ottawa at 11:30. We went from there into the Parliament Buildings. When we entered, we had Mr. Saint Laurent and George Drew as guest speakers. We then had our lunch.

After lunch we went up to the peace tower and looked over Ottawa. When we came down the elevator, we saw the largest bell in the Parliament buildings which weighed eleven and a half tons. We visited the memorial centre in the Parliament Buildings. There is a book of names there which has over sixty-six thousand names of men who were killed in world war one. We then went over to the R.C.M.P. station at Rockcliffe where the mounties were doing their drills. After that we went through the R.C.A.F. Station and saw many planes. After supper we started for home. We reached home at 11:30 at night. Thanks to Constable MacKay and Miss Merritt, we had a wonderful time.


Clare Jensen (Captain), Karen Barnes, Pauline Chaggares, Dianne Nokes, Barbara Tobey, Penny Murray, Benda Elliott, Rose Marie Allen, Barbara Tice, Basil Downer, Jack Steen, Philip Lee, Pat Tobey, Jim Reid, Kirke Van Allen, Jack Allen, Harold Dinesen.


by Jimmy Barnes

This year I like the way we made the bandaids that give fresh air to a sore. I don't like it when my ears are dirty. I like when we have clean shoes. I don't like when I have dirty shoes. I don't like when I have poison ivy. I like to have clean hands when I eat. I like sitting up straight not crooked. I do not like to eat fast.

by Jack Steen

In 1953 Armour Heights Soccer Team won every game in the season, but in the final game they lost out by one goal. Harry Walsh scored the only goal for A.H.S. in the final game. They were considered the best sports by the Junior League Referees. The coach's name was Mr.H.O.Anderson.

by Ron James, Grade 5

This winter Armour Heights Hockey Team won every game except two which we tied. When we got into the semi-final, we defeated King George 3-0. That got us into the final game. We tied the first final game with Confederation. In the next game we defeated them 4-0 and Armour Heights boys carried home the Kinsmen's cup.

The lineup was: B. Cullen, Center, J. Eakins, Right Wing,
B. Jamieson, Left Wing, R. James, Defence.
- Patterson - Defence, Walsh, Goal,
Subs: Guppy, McIvor, Bell.


GIRLS IN P.T. PERIOD by Marilyn Ward, Grade 5

At 3:30 Monday afternoon the grade five and six girls go outside for P.T. In the autumn we practice for field day. In the winter we folk dance in the playroom. At Christmas Miss Merrett taught the boys how to dance. The boys do quite well now. In the spring we play baseball, which is a lot of fun.

HIGHEST AWARD - by Karen Barnes, Grade 5

Our Grade one teacher, Miss Betty Merritt won the highest award in swimming. Seven other contestants tried for this award with Miss Merritt last fall. She was the only successful candidate and is the only holder of it in the city. To obtain it she had to reach perfection in all of her swimming strokes.

GRADE 6 P.T. by Sandra Van Allen

P.T. time is time for fun.
When all the children jump and run.
At baseball, dances, games and swimming.
You don't get cross if your not winning.
Grade five pupils play with us.
And we don't make a great big fuss.


MY FAVOURITE FILM by Patsy O'Neil, Grade 2

My favourite film was about Jesus dying on the cross. I like that because He died for us. GRAY OWL: I liked Gray Owl too because I liked the way he tamed the beavers.

MY FAVOURITE FILM - by Newton Downer, Grade 2

I liked Gray Owl and his beavers. I liked when the children came to visit him. I liked Gray Owl when he was making friends with the beavers.

MY BEST FILMS by Cyril Rawson, Grade 2

We have seen many good films his year. My favourite film was "The Easter Story". Another film I liked was Gray Owl.


One day the children went to the zoo
There they saw the seals and the kangaroo
They fed the bears and monkeys too
We enjoyed this film, what about you?


MY DOG by David G. Corp

On April 13, 1952, as I was sitting on the front step of my home, I saw a big express truck coming dawn the street. I didn't pay much attention to it, but when I saw it stop right in front of our house, I ran into the house yelling for my mother to come quick. After my mother stood at the front talking to the man for a while the man gave her a box. When we got into the house, my mother opened the box and in it sat a little puppy who could hardly walk, Right away I decided to call him Rover.


Rover was a little clumsy at first but he learned fast. He learned to do many tricks and we always went to the woods to play tag, and hide and seek. We used to go to the lake and swim and have fun together. After we had finished having our fun, we would have a little lunch, a sandwich for me, and a bone for him. Rover was always being chased by a skunk or a porcupine. As Rover got older he didn't play much and just began to sit around and do nothing. Rover died at the age of twelve. Our house is not the same without Rover. THE END,

OSHAWA PEN-PALS by Sharon Starr, Grade 5

One of our student teachers had each one of us send a letter to a grade five teacher in Oshawa. My pen-pal's name is Patsy Brewster. She is eleven years old and her sister is seven years old. Her teacher is Miss Kidney and her principal is Mr. Jobb. She has brown, short hair and her sister has blonde hair. There are four in her family. We all enjoy writing and receiving letters.

FLYING A KIT by Bob Beggs, Grade 4

Bill and Jim were flying their kites up on the hill. Jim's kite ran home to get a stepladder. When he came back they put it up against the tree. Jim climbed up and got it. When he reached for it, it was all went very high up in the sky. When it came down it landed in a tree. Bill broken and Jim said, "I will not be able to fly my kite any more this year."

MINDING THE BABY by Joy Elliott, Grade 4

My sister and I love minding the baby. We bathed her and put her to bed. Then later on we went into her room but she wasn't there. We looked all over the house for her. At last we found her climbing into the cupboard eating cookies out of the cookie jar.

SHOPPING FOR MOTHER -by Judith Caines, Grade 4

One afternoon mother called me and asked me to go shopping for her. So I gladly went and got ready to go down town. Mother gave me a list,telling what to get. When I was finished and came home mother was very pleased.

FUN IN SPRING by Roderick Clarkson, Grade 2

I like helping people work in Spring,
And I like going to school in Spring time, too.
I like to do these things because they are fun.

FIFE, TOMMY'S DOG, Room 4, Grade 1

Fife likes the milk
Fife likes to go to school
Fife was being quiet
He can say bow-wow
Fife stands up.

MY BEST DAY AT HOME by Billy Robb, Grade 2, R. 6

Saturday was my birthday. When I came downstairs, I had a surprise. There were presents all over the floor. Later we went to see a show called "Gun Fury".


RETURN OF THE BIRDS by Robbie Hutchins, Grade 2

I like to hear then sing. They wake me up every morning. The birds sit on our new car.

MY FAVOURITE DAY - by Maureen McDonald, Grade 1

My favourite day was Hallowe'en. When I came to school I fooled the teacher. When it was time to go home, we didn't want to leave.

ROOM 4 -- Grade 1

We had a pet day at school just like the boys and girls in our reader. We made a book about "Our Pets". These are some stories we wrote.


I saw Flippy turn up-side-down.
I saw Flippy get a drink.
Flippy said, "Teet Teet."
I saw Flippy eat seeds.

FROGS - Judy Field, Grade 1

We have three funny green frogs at school
They can jump high.
They try to get out of the dish.

PLAY - by Pat Tobey,Grade 6

Place: Hotel Lobby
Characters: Paper Boy, Mr. Brown
Time: 5:30, February 10
Costumes: Ordinary Clothes, suit
Properties: Chairs, Couches, Newspapers, Paper Bag
Scene: A hotel lobby
Paper Boy (entering lobby): Paper Sir?
Mr. Brown (abruptly): No.
Paper Boy: (Moving away) Local Hockey Player shot.
Mr. Brown (straightening in his chair): Give me a paper. Local Hockey Player shot did you say?
Paper Boy: (moving away alter selling his paper): Yes, sir. But he didn't score.

P 0 E T R Y

TWO ROBINS by Harold Dinesen, Grade 5

I saw two robins in a tree,
And they were busy as they could be,
Building a nest of grass and string,
They were happy because it was spring.
Four eggs of blue would soon appear,
And father bird would stay quite near,
To guard the mother and their nest,
And bring her food he'd do his best. (Cont'd next page)


When little birdies broke the shells
He'd help the mother raise them will,
He'd help her teach them how to fly,
And keep his eye on them roar by.

So if you like the birds t sing,
Don't touch their nests when it is spring,
They'll fly away and leave their home,
And farther on will have to roam.

THE WINTER by Doug Pammett, Grade 5

In the winter time we go
Walking in the fields of snow;
Where there is no grass at all,
Where the top of every wall,
Every fence and every tree,
Is as white as can be.
And our mother always know,
By the footprints in the snow,
Where it is their children go.

A RHYME by Brian Neck, Grade 4

There was a window pane,
That flew all the way to Spain,
It landed in a drain,
And was never seen again.

MY MONKEY by Georgina Moore-Gough, Room 2, Grade

Once I had a little monkey
Who was as funny as she could be,
One day my monkey was so happy
She jumped right over a tree.

EASTER - Grade 2, Room 3

At Easter time we have great fun,
We like to eat warm hot cross buns,
We run down stairs,
Look under the chairs,
To find the chocolate Bunny.

SALLY'S DUCK - Original Verse, Grade 1, Room 5

Sally has a little pet
It is happy when it's wet,
It has feathers on its back
When it talks, it says, "Quack, quack."

SPRING - Room 5, Grade 1

We are happy in the spring,
When flowers grow and robins sing;
When kites are blowing on a string,
And the sun shines on everything.


HALLOWEEN - Room 5, Grade 1

Hallowe'en will soon be here.
Our faces will be sunny.
We'll dress like witches, clowns and ghosts,
Oh, my! Won't we look funny?

FOR MOTHER's DAY -Grade 1, Room 4

Mother, mother, you are tall,
I love you the most of all.

OUR CHICKS - Room 4, Grade 1

Two little chicks named Browny and Peter Chick.
They are our friends so dear,
We love to watch them pick and kick,
We love to hear them say, "Cheer Cheer."

BUSS THE BUNNY - Grade 1, room 4

Buss is a cute Bunny
I saw Buss eating carrots.
I saw Buss eating cabbage.
Buss can hop.
He can wiggle his nose too.


Customer: How much is that canary?
Ten Dollars.
Customer: I'll take it. Send me the bill.
Clerk: I'm sorry sir but we can't send the bill without the rest of the bird.

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Science Teacher: What happens when a large heavy body is submerged in water?
Fat Girl: The telephone rings.

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Question: What did the big chimney say to the little chimney?
Answer: You're too little to smoke.

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Man: Hew many miles does your wife get on your new car.
Other man: Oh, about 15 miles a gallon and 33 [miles per fender.

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Boy: Would you punish me for something I didn't do?
Teacher: No that would be illegal.
Boy: That's good because I didn't do my homework.

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One of the best ways to make your old car run is to learn the price of a "54" model.

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Mother on crowded beach to youngster playing in sand, "You mustn't throw at the people dear. It might get in their eyes. If you want to throw sand at somebody throw it at daddy.


J O K E S (cont'd)

Wilting Husband reads note on door: "Dear John - Gone shopping. Took the key. Lawn mower in back yard.

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Bride to Groom, after big church wedding: "Wow such excitement! Next time I'm going to have a quiet wedding at home.

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Gardener's Revenge: "Next year I'm going to plant weeds - and see if the flowers don't choke them out.

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Little boy, kneeling at his bedside: "Mom, do you suppose it will be all right if I put on a commercial about a new bike?"

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