Class Photo - Armour Heights Public School

Years: 1955-1956

Grade: 4

Teacher: Miss Leggett

Names while attending the school
 Back (l to r) Fay Bertrum, Eric Yokum, Fred Record, Melinda McGrath, Sandra Bartley, Marueen McDonald, Robbie Watson, Brian Green, Mary Head, Patricia Hardie, Marylin Tinney, Elizabeth Cox
Middle (l to r) Miss Leggett, Jerry Elliott, Danny Delong, Don Robertson, Paula Tingley, Gerald Harding, Jane Adam, Darlene Gates, Ian McPhail, Robert Ainsworth, Dan Hopcroft, Nora Harris
Front(l to r) Pat Downer, Joanne Heslip, Ron Laing, Carol Craig, Susan Roberts, Wayne Lucas, Marlene Land, Harold Hendren, Wayne Cruse, Merike Madisso
Comments: Miss Leggett returned from her summer vacation with many coloured slides to show her students. She also drew lovely diagrams with coloured chalk on the "green" boards - a new chalk board colour that was supposed to be easier for young eyes to look at. Miss Leggett was concerned about decorum and proper clothing - especially for the girls. She gave impromtu lessons about how to mix and match clothing so that others would not see you dressed the same way more than once each month.