Class Photo - Armour Heights Public School

Years: 1975-1976

Grades: The Staff


Names while attending the school
Top Row-(l to r)   Miss Marjorie Lumb, Mr. Stan McBride, Mrs. Mary Ann Twiselton, Mr. Roger Cole, Miss Marie Olver (Library)
Middle Row-(l to r) Mr. Jim Watson, Mrs. Pat McAfee, Mr. Bill Harris, Mr. Ron Gorski, Mr. Fred Sutherland, Mrs. Lynnda McKey (Secretary), Mr. Dave Green.
 Bottom Row-(l to r)  Mrs. Diana Hardy, Mr. Gerry alders, Mrs. Barb Pearce, Mr. Bill Green, Mr. Dennis Winch, Mrs. Jane Allen, Mr. Alex McLeod, Mrs. Jane Ross.
Comments: The staff complement has grown to 20 from the original 9 staff members in 1953-54.