Class Photo - Armour Heights Public School

Years: 1978 - 1979

Grades: 8

Teachers: Mr. Watson

Names while attending the school
Back (l to r) Debbie Barton, Sandra Stephenson, Brent Perrin, Martha Duncan, Warren Northcutt, Carolyn Moring, Kevin Schweer, David Johnston, Cheryl McGibbon.
Middle (l to r) Judy Tippett, Glenn Linklater, James Patton, Stephen Goodfellow, Jeff Hill, Tim Nicholls, Mark Jones, Graham, Abell, Lisa Gibson, Mr. Watson
Front (l to r)  Cindy Scanlon, Kevin Lee, David Woodside, Robbie McLean, Kelly Deighton, Carolyn Dupont, Penny Jessup, Ritchie Stirling, Craig Lawrie, Tammy Corner, Donna Morrison