Years: 1980 - 1981 |
Grades: 5 and 6 |
Teacher: Roger Cole |
Row |
Names while attending the school |
Back (l to r) | Thelma Duncan, Steven Andriulaitis, Tricia Rooney, Brenda Whitney, Shawn
Wood, Scott McNabb, Kevin Biggs, Triscia Avon |
Middle (l to r) | Cindy Robbins, Steven Eastabrook, Melissa Smith, Jeff Conners, Ken James, Brenda Moore, Danny Hick, Kelly Covert |
Front (l to r) | Duane Wiggins, Tanya Payne, Bob James, Susan Folic, Allan Nelson, Heather Lee, Stacey Carew, Tricia Carpenter, Chris Giles, Nicky McCubbin |